Furniture Design Workshop

I will be presenting a virtual furniture design workshop over two consecutive weekends, Sunday Sept. 22 & Sept. 29, 2024. Each session is 2 hours long. In the first session I touch on the history of furniture design and describe the process of designing furniture from concept or idea to drawings and a scale representation of the furniture. The Furniture Design Workshop is provided through Pocosin School of Fine Craft. Learn furniture design with a professional furniture maker and woodworker. This workshop will make furniture design less intimidating. First part of the workshop is demonstration with an introduction to sketching and drawing.

Students then sketch, draw and mock-up a furniture piece to be discussed in the second half of the workshop along with remaining topics. Develop your own furniture style and voice. The information filled workshop is presented live from the Pirollo Design studio.

The following design topics are presented in the workshop:

History of Furniture
Furniture Design Concepts
Sketching, Drawing
Developing A Style
Material Selection
Batch Mode Concepts

Cost: $145 US
Register at: Furniture Design Workshop