In this 16 part video class, the design and build of the striking Krenov-inspired display cabinet above is discussed. The contemporary styled display cabinet features veneered sides and doors. The veneers selected are highly figured although they can be substituted with alternative veneers. The frame and panel back adheres to the Krenov principle of properly finishing the back of the cabinet. James Krenov is widely known for his classic cabinets on stand as well as the incredible attention to detail he brought to furniture making. He also brought a unique philosophy and vision to furniture making of which I heed and practice. A large part of this veneered display cabinet has been created using an assortment of hand tools although some machinery is used in the initial wood preparation stage. Follow me as I describe the steps involved in creating a masterpiece veneered cabinet on stand.
The following topics are covered in detail in this 16 part design and build class:
- Inspiration and design of the display cabinet
- Overview discussing components of the cabinet
- Wood selection and resawing veneers used in cabinet
- Advantages of using veneers over solid wood
- Detailed info on creating + using resawn veneers
- Process of applying veneers to the sides and doors
- Using bake-ins to create panels with hardwood edges
- Hardwood edging and the veneer press
- Veneer press and joinery used in cabinet
- Card scrapers and shop-made drilling guide
- Dowel drilling guide in-depth
- The case construction process
- Frame and panel construction of back panel
- Back panel detail and installation
- Final case assembly of display cabinet
- Installation of knife hinges for doors
- Complete, detailed plans included
Each video segment addresses one component of the cabinet build. The design process and methodology behind the build are discussed. This is not simply a class on how to build a cabinet on stand. The class will inform you of the design process that James Krenov used in his work. As an ardent follower of James Krenov, the techniques used in this cabinet build closely follow those of James Krenov. Discussions and demonstrations describe how the design of this display cabinet originated and the design considerations in its build. Information on wood selection and preparation as well as joinery used are covered in detail. Techniques acquired over several years of creating this style of cabinet are shared in this class. The process of creating + applying veneers is covered as well as discussion on installation of knife hinges.
Includes 16 separate video modules. Each video module addresses a component of the cabinet build. Detailed video sequences and methodology on how to build this display cabinet are included when you purchase the cabinet build class.
– Separate Introduction module
– 16 video modules from design, veneering, edging, joinery, back panel
– Video modules can be followed in any order and stopped or repeated at any time
– All 16 video modules (2.7 hours) included in the single $50 price
– Complete set of plans included

Includes corresponding display cabinet plan. Over 35 detailed computer designed illustrations (CAD) on building display cabinet included with Cabinet Build Class. Includes detailed photos and information.
Norman maintains a blog of ongoing projects in his studio at: Pirollo Design Blog as well as having written and published four books in the past year. Some of the books and magazines where authors furniture, work methods and philosophy have been featured:
Craftisian Interview (Norman Pirollo)
HackSpace Magazine – Make With Wood April 2020
Woodworking: From Design To Making (New Art Press)
The Wood Artist: Creating Art Through Wood (New Art Press)
From Hi-Tech to Lo-Tech: A Woodworker’s Journey (NAP)
Start Your Own Woodworking Business (New Art Press)
Rooted: Contemporary Studio Furniture (Schiffer)
IDS15 (Studio North)
Canadian Woodworking magazine Jan. 2015
Our Homes magazine Fall 2014
IDS14 (Studio North)
NICHE Magazine Winter 2013
Fine Woodworking Magazine 4 Bench Jigs for Handplanes
Fine Woodworking Magazine Essential Shopmade Jigs 2009
Woodwork magazine
Wood Art Today 2 (Schiffer Books)
500 Cabinets ( Lark Books)
Studio Furniture: Today’s Leading Woodworkers (Schiffer)
Canadian Interiors Design Source Guide
Ottawa Life magazine (Profile,work) 2012
Panoram Italia magazine
Our Homes magazine
Craft Journal