Furniture Society (Featured)

As a longtime member of the Furniture Society, I am honored to the featured member this week. The furniture Society revolves around a large group of furniture makers. The makers often contribute their time, expertise and knowledge to advance the artisanal furniture movement. The large membership consists of seasoned furniture maker and up and coming makers who share the same passion for furniture making and sharing their knowledge. You can view my work (portfolio) at the Furniture Society web site as well as portfolios of other furniture makers, some of which you might be familiar with.

In the Furniture Society own words…

“The Furni­ture Society is a nonprofit, educa­tional orga­ni­za­tion founded in 1996. The Furni­ture Society is the premier non-profit orga­ni­za­tion repre­sent­ing, promot­ing, and connect­ing furni­ture makers, design­ers, collec­tors, cura­tors, educa­tors and manu­fac­tur­ers from around the world.

Over­seen by a dedi­cated Board of Trustees and an Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, The Furni­ture Society works to realize its mission through educa­tional programs, publi­ca­tions, exhi­bi­tions and exhi­bi­tion support, recog­ni­tion of excel­lence in the field, program part­ner­ships, educa­tional grants, work­shop part­ner­ships, and annual confer­ences. With members from across the United States and Canada, as well as numer­ous other coun­tries, The Furni­ture Society repre­sents a broad cross-section of furni­ture makers, museum and gallery profes­sion­als, schol­ars, jour­nal­ists, and others involved with the field of furniture.”

To advance the art of furni­ture making by inspir­ing creativ­ity, promot­ing excel­lence and foster­ing an under­stand­ing of this art and its place in society.